
We commonly use the term "depression" to describe the misery that follows an unpleasant event. This depression is typically short-lived and resolves without the need for treatment. In contrast, depressive illness, is more severe and prolonged with persistent sadness, negativity, and difficulty coping. Living with depression is painful and disabling. With proper treatment symptoms are successfully alleviated. Early, intensive and occasionally prolonged treatment gives the best chance of totally eradicating the illness, and reducing the risk of relapse.



Signs of Depression

  • Lowered mood - feeling unhappy most of the day and most days.
  • Generalized negativity and pessimism.
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in your normal activities.
  • Chronic fatigue and tiredness (often not relieved by sleep).
  • Decreased social contact.
  • Reduced concentration, memory or ability to think clearly.
  • Reduced productivity or ability to cope.
  • Increased tearfulness or crying.
  • Impaired sleep, appetite or sex drive.
  • Reduced self- confidence, feelings of worthlessness.
  • Anxiety and irritability.
  • Thoughts of life being pointless, especially when losing hope of recovering.


Psychotherapy for Depression

Psychotherapy assists an individual to understand their behaviours, emotions, and ideas that contribute to his or her depression. Identifying underlying problems improves symptoms. Sometimes the cause is related to current circumstances but it could also be associated with issues from the past. Psychotherapy will permit one to regain a sense of control and pleasure in life. One will also learn coping techniques and problem-solving skills.

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